Peer Review History: Inhalation of Sniper and Passive Smoking Disrupt Motor Activity and Spatial Memory in Female Wistar Rats


(1) Dr. Fatma Mohammad Nasr, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Giza, Egypt.

(2) Dr.Takashi Ikeno, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Japan.


(1) Intekhabur Rahman, Bhupendra Narayan Mandal University, India.

(2) Ferry Fadzlul Rahman, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia.

(3) Rahmat Kaur Kochar, Panjab University, India.

Additional Reviewers:

(1) Ahmet Gökhan Akkan, Bezmialem Vakif University, Turkey.

Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 8.16/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Intekhabur Rahman, India) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Ferry Fadzlul Rahman, Indonesia) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Peer review report_3 (Rahmat Kaur Kochar, India) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA

Stage 3 | Journal Change | File 1 | NA

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_2_v1 | File 1 | NA


Posted in Review History.