Peer Review History: Comparative Evaluation of Different Local Spices on Hepatic Functions in Male Mice Exposed to Lambda-Cyhalothrin


(1) Dr. Jehad M. H. Ighbareyeh, Al-Quds Open University, Palestine.


(1) Vinod Kumar Gupta, ICAR- National Dairy Research Institute, India.

(2) Maria De Sousa Brito Neta, Universidade De Brasilia-UNB, Brazil.

Additional Reviewers:

(1) Rajinder Kaur, Akal University, India.

(2) Ismail Ibrahim Latif, University of Diyala College of Medicine, Iraq.

(3) Jong Hwa Yum, Dong-Eui University, South Korea.

(4) Santoshi Ram Ghodake, SMBT Dental College and Hospital, India.

(5) Shivendra Verma, SRK University, India.

(6) Hasseri Halim, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.

Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 8.5/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Vinod Kumar Gupta, India) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Maria De Sousa Brito Neta, Brazil) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA

Stage 3 | Revised_MS_v2_and_Feedback_v2 | File 1 | NA


Peer Review History: Analysis of Vegetative and Generative Characters of Fragaria vesca L. (Rosaceae) Populations


(1) Dr. Vasil Simeonov, Laboratory of Chemometrics and Environmetrics, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Okhridski”, Bulgaria.


(1) Bogdan-Vasile Cioruța, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

(2) Huy Hai Le, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Vietnam.

Additional Reviewers:

(1) Bryan Okoth Omondi, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Kenya.

(2) M.K.Murthy, OUAT, India.

(3) Okeke Philomena Nwanneka, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria.

(4) Shaiphali Saxena, Government Post Graduate College, India.

Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 8/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Bogdan-Vasile Cioruța, Romania) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Huy Hai Le, Vietnam) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA

Peer Review History: Assessment of the Power Relations among Strategic Actors in the Sesame Value Chain in Tanzania


(1)  Dr. Rajesh Kumar , Assistant Professor,

(2 ) Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (LUVAS), India.


(1) Dabesa Wegari Obosha, Agribusiness and Value Chain Management Ambo University, Ethiopia

(2) Mahesh Mahadeo Kadam, CCS National Institute of Agricultural Marketing, India

Additional Reviewers:

(1) B. A. Monpara, Junagadh Agricultural University, India.

(2) Lovemore Musemwa, Bindura University of Science Education, Zimbabwe.

Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 7.25/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Dabesa Wegari Obosha, Ethiopia) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Mahesh Mahadeo Kadam , India) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA

Peer Review History: Antioxidants Activities and Heavy Metal Profil in Vegetable Oils in Yaounde


(1) Dr. Pradip K. Bhowmik, University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA.


(1) Florence Ng’ong’a, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture And Technology, Kenya.

(2) Akharaiyi Frec Coolborn, Edo State University, Nigeria.

Additional Reviewers:

(1) Panagiotis Simitzis, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece.

Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 7/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 8.5/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Florence Ng’ong’a, Kenya) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Akharaiyi Frec Coolborn, Nigeria) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA


Peer Review History: Factors Influencing Disclosure of Intimate Partner Violence among Young and Middle Aged Women (15-50 Years) in Selected Primary Health Centers, Oyo State


(1) Dr. Redhwan Ahmed Mohammed Al-Naggar, Professor, Population Health and Preventive Medicine, UniversitiTeknologi MARA, Malaysia.


(1) Stelios Zimeras, University of the Aegean, Greece.

(2) Dare Ojo Omonijo, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria.

(3) Mashat Mallo, Nigeria.

Additional Reviewers:


Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 6.83/10
Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Stelios Zimeras, Greece) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Dare Ojo Omonijo, Nigeria) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_3 (Mashat Mallo, Nigeria) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA


Peer Review History: Working Away from Home, Coping Strategies, Quality of Working Life, Well-being and Performance


(1) Dr. Shao-I Chiu, Associate Professor, Da-Yeh University, Taiwan.


(1) James Vanderleeuw, Park University, USA.

(2) Mohammad Hossein Khasmafkan Nezam, University of Isfahan, Iran.

Additional Reviewers:


Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 7.5/10
Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (James Vanderleeuw, USA) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Mohammad Hossein Khasmafkan Nezam, Iran) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA


Peer Review History: Effect of Zinc Application Strategies on Growth and Yield of Soybean in Central India


(1) Dr. Francisco Cruz-Sosa, Metropolitan Autonomous University Iztapalapa Campus, México.


(1) Daniela Stoin, Banat University Of Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medicine, Romania.

(2) Siti Nurdjanah, University Of Lampung, Indonesia.

Additional Reviewers:

(1) Amany Abd-El Mohsen Ramadan, National Research Centre, Egypt.

Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 7.8/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 8.5/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Daniela Stoin, Romania) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Siti Nurdjanah, Indonesia) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA


Peer Review History: A Study on Moral Education Planning Program in Bangladesh: Based on Total Quality Management


(1) Dr. Der-Jang Chi, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan.


(1) Ady Ferdian Noor, Muhammadiyah University of Palangka Raya, Indonesia.

(2) S. Bruce Thomson, MacEwan University, Canada.

Additional Reviewers:

(1) Abeer Khalid Ahmad Al-Mashhadany, Al-Nahrain University, Iraq.

Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 7.5/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Ady Ferdian Noor, Indonesia) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (S. Bruce Thomson, Canada) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA

Peer Review History: Assessment Practices among Inclusive School Teachers: A Case from Basic Schools in the Volta Region of Ghana


(1) Dr. Ana Sofia Pedrosa Gomes dos Santos, Assistant Professor, UIDEF – Instituto da Educação, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.


(1) Nara Hiroko Takaki, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

(2) Shahnila Tariq, University of Management and Technology, Pakistan.

Additional Reviewers:

(1) Akubugwo, Ijeoma Ginikanwa, Abia State University Uturu (ABSU), Nigeria.

(2) Karina Carrasqueira, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil.

(3) Otaiza Josefina Cupare Castro, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela.

Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 8.25/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Nara Hiroko Takaki, Brazil) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Shahnila Tariq, Pakistan) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA

Peer Review History: Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy of Mannitol and Hypertonic Saline (3%) for Treatment of Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)


(1) Dr. Paola Angelini , University of Perugia, Italy.


(1) Ibrahim  El-Zraigat, The University of Jordan, Jordan. 

(2) Brandon Lucke-Wold, University of Florida, USA.


Additional Reviewers:


Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 7.3/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 8.5/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Ibrahim  El-Zraigat, Jordan) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Brandon Lucke-Wold, USA) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA