Peer Review History: Appraisal of Behaviour-change Models and Application of Transtheoretical Model-based Motivational Interviewing for Bottle Feeding Cessation- A Qualitative Study


(1) Dr. Asmaa Fathi Moustafa Hamouda, Assistant Professor, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia.


(1) Kavita Hotwani, VSPMDCRC, India.

(2) Prasad Jathar, Sinhgad Dental College and Hospital, India.

Additional Reviewers:

(1) Hitesh Chander, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Medical College, India.

(2) B N Rangeeth, Thai Moogambigai Dental College, India.

(3) P. Prathyusha, CKS Teja College of Dental Sciences and Research, India.

Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 9/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9.5/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Aman Moda, India) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Prasad Jathar, India) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_3 (Kavita Hotwani, India) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA

Stage 3 | Revised_MS_v2_and_Feedback_v2| File 1 | NA


Peer Review History: Organ Donation’- Awareness, Perspective and Practices among Adults – A Cross Sectional Study in Rural Tamil Nadu


(1) Dr. Juan Carlos Troiano, Professor, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.


(1) Rubina Naqvi, Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT), Pakistan.

(2) Farha Yesmin, National Centre for Disease Control, India.

Additional Reviewers:


Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 7.5/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Rubina Naqvi, Pakistan) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Farha Yesmin, India) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA


Peer Review History: Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant and Anti Gout Potential of Aqueous Seed Extract of Punica granatum – An in vitro Study


(1) Dr. Rafik Karaman, Professor, College of Pharmacy, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine.


(1) Sri Sunaringsih Ika Wardojo, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia.

(2) Anup S. Hendre, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed To Be University, India.

Additional Reviewers:


Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 8.5/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Sri Sunaringsih Ika Wardojo, Indonesia) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Anup S. Hendre, India) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA


Peer Review History: Assessment of the Level of Knowledge and Practices on Hand Hygiene among School going Children at Selected Districts, Tamil Nadu, India


(1) Prof.  John Yahya I. Elshimali, Professor, UCLA School of Medicine & Charles R. Drew University of edicine and Science, California, USA.


(1) Deac Liana Monica, University Babes- Bolyai Cluj, Romania.

(2) Bin Gao, Tianjin Medical University, China.

Additional Reviewers:


Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 7/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Deac Liana Monica, Romania) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Bin Gao, China) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA


Peer Review History: The Use of Zinc Oxide in a Public Healthcare Organization in Riyadh Region


(1) Dr. Aurora Martínez Romero, Professor and Researcher, Juarez University, Durango, Mexico.


(1) Neeraj Kumar Fuloria, AIMST University, Malaysia.

(2) Prawit Nuengmatcha, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Additional Reviewers:

(1) Harpreet Kaur, Lovely Professional University, India.

(2) Murtaza Hasan, The islamia university Bahawalpur, Pakistan.

Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 7/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Neeraj Kumar Fuloria, Malaysia) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Prawit Nuengmatcha, Thailand) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA


Peer Review History: Improving Quality of Life among Thalassemia Major in Adolescents: Video Assisted Teaching


(1) Dr. Asmaa Fathi Moustafa Hamouda, Assistant Professor, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia.


(1) Somdet Srichairatanakool, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

(2) Ioannis G Koutelekos, University of West Attica, Greece.

Additional Reviewers:


Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 6.5/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Somdet Srichairatanakool, Thailand) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Ioannis G Koutelekos, Greece) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA

Stage 3 | Revised_MS_v2_and_Feedback_v2 | File 1 | NA


Peer Review History: Ethnobotanical Note on the Medicinal Plants of the Lower Himachal Pradesh


(1) Dr. Paola Angelini, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy.


(1) Tapan Kumar Sahu, Centurion University of Technology and Management, India.

(2) Naeem Hasan Khan, AIMST University, Malaysia.

(3) Dilfaraz Khan Institute of Chemical Sciences Gomal University, Pakistan.

Additional Reviewers:


Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 7.5/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Tapan Kumar Sahu, India) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Naeem Hasan Khan, Malaysia) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_3 (Dilfaraz Khan, Pakistan) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA


Peer Review History: Fungal Population and Physicochemical Characteristics of Abattoir-Impacted Soil in Iwofe, Rivers State


(1) Dr. Ana Claudia Coelho, University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal.


(1) Adefarati Oloruntoba, China University Of Petroleum, China.

(2) S.Priyadharshini, The American College, India.

Additional Reviewers:

(1) Nagesh N. Malik, Vivekanand Education Society’s College of Arts, Science and Commerce (Former), India.

Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 7.75/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 8.5/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Adefarati Oloruntoba, China) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (S. Priyadharshini, India) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA


Peer Review History: A Narrative Review of Libidibia ferrea: Botanical Aspects, Ethnopharmacological Properties, Phytochemical Characteristics, Toxicity, and Experimental Tests


(1) Dr. Paola Angelini, University of Perugia, Italy.

(2) Dr. Marcello Iriti, Milan State University, Italy.


(1) Fowzul Islam Fahad, International Islamic University Of Chittagong, Bangladesh.

(2) Lalaine Grace M. Maghanoy, Central Mindanao University, Philippines.

Additional Reviewers:


Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 7.5/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 8.5/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Fowzul Islam Fahad, Bangladesh) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Lalaine Grace M. Maghanoy, Philippines) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_2_v1 | File 1 | NA


Peer Review History: Exploring the Determinants of Students’ Satisfaction and Continuance Intention Using Online Learning in Jordan


(1) Dr. Der-Jang Chi, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan.

(2) Dr. Bashar H. Malkawi, Practice in Law at the University, USA.


(1) Muhammad Arshad, National College Of Business Administration And Economics, Pakistan.

(2) Martina Blašková, Police Academy Of The Czech Republic, Czech Republic.

(3) George, Nchelem  Rosemary, Ignatius Ajuru University Of Education Rivers State,  Nigeria.

Additional Reviewers:

(1) Tulus P Sihaloho, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Medan, Indonesia.

Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here

Specific Comment:

Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 8/10

Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10

Peer Review History:

Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Muhammad Arshad, Pakistan) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Martina Blašková, Czech Republic) | File 1 | NA

Stage 2 | Peer review report_3 (George, Nchelem  Rosemary, Nigeria) | File 1 | File 2

Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA

Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_2_v1 | File 1 | NA