(1) Dr. Ravi Kumar Chittoria, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Pondicherry, India.
(1) Manu Mitra, University of Bridgeport, USA.
(2) Dinesh D. Rishipathak, MET’s Institute of Pharmacy, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India.
Additional Reviewers:
(1) Ashek Elahi Noor, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
(2) Diego da Silva, UniEnsino, Brasil.
(3) K. Latha, Saveetha Medical College, India.
(4) Nupur Rastogi, Private Diagnostic Centre, India.
(5) Rohini.A, MNR Medical College and Hospital, India.
(6) Saravanan, RVS Dental College and Hospital, India.
(7) Vivekaradhya M, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India.
Additional Reviewers: (Comments received after deadline)
(1) Anson S Maroky, India.
(2) Fakhria Jaber Muhaibes, Al Mustaqbel University, Iraq.
(3) Matteo Preve, Switzerland.
Open Peer Review Policy: Click Here
Specific Comment:
Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 8/10
Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 9/10
Peer Review History:
Stage 1 | Original Manuscript | File 1 | NA
Stage 2 | Peer review report_1 (Manu Mitra, USA) | File 1 | NA
Stage 2 | Peer review report_2 (Dinesh D. Rishipathak, India) | File 1 | NA
Stage 2 | Revised_MS_v1_and_Feedback_v1 | File 1 | File 2
Stage 3 | Comment_Editor_1_v1 | File 1 | NA